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2022-08-27 ”受尽委屈”张含韵:被金主白嫖20亿,后陷不雅照遭男主持拿图逼认 (3) (1)
2022-08-25 台股季線上進場恐淪豬仔?大神抄底小白跟進場?美徹底斷中國高階半導體發展!中國經濟如30年前日本殞落? 2022.08.21【財經週日趴 全集】 (0) (0)
2022-08-25 *2022/08/24/北市 中山區 林東芳牛肉麵【Meck大叔】 (4) (1)
2022-08-24 How The Barbie Movie Is Changing Mattel's Business (0) (0)
2022-08-23 *2022/08/23/北市 中山區 美麗餐廳【Meck大叔】 (1) (1)
2022-08-21 SUCCESS Warren Buffett: This is your 1 greatest measure of success in life (and if you don’t have it, ‘your life is a disaster’) (1) (0)
2022-08-19 習近平文攻武嚇|蔡英文不動如山|#吾爾開希 #矢板明夫 #汪浩|@華視三國演議|20220813 (1) (0)
2022-08-16 Why Your Most Valuable Employee Is Often the 'Invisible' Employee (0) (0)
2022-08-13 裴洛西離台後 政治餘波煙硝起!前國安會秘書長蘇起重磅評析 (1) (1)
2022-08-13 蘇起:九二共識已扭曲變形 我看不出來了 (0) (0)
2022-08-12 100點原因!結婚不要住他家!各種真實誇張案例!老公家人原來這樣看妳?!|葳老闆的辣雞湯 (1) (1)
2022-08-07 裴洛西訪台!打痛中國死穴?習近平領導地位告急?動武將走回百年鎖國?太空夢、大飛機沒經濟效益?高壓監管民企民不聊生?! 2022.08.06【財經週末趴 全集】 (8) (1)
2022-08-04 新闻夜总会 2008年12月11日 (1) (1)
2022-07-29 THE FAILURE OF DARWINIS (1) (1)
2022-07-24 林志穎自撞「救命恩人即刻救援」 名醫:有事絕對被告死 (3) (3)
2022-07-24 一口气了解石油和中东的百年战争 (2) (1)
2022-07-22 Ukraine First Lady Olena Zelenska Addresses World Health Organization (0) (0)
2022-07-22 Ukraine's First Lady Olena Zelenska Takes On the Trauma Of War (0) (0)
2022-07-21 What Is the Metaverse, Exactly? (0) (0)
2022-07-20 【林百里妻遭詐騙】神鬼閨密精心布局釣大魚 林百里妻遭詐5000萬 (1) (1)
2022-07-19 吃飯遇恐龍…四川樂山餐廳發現「恐龍足跡」專家證實 網友驚:要火了 (1) (0)
2022-07-12 5元影響力1/自備環保杯人數增5倍 環保署:「這4種杯子」沒有折扣 (2) (1)
2022-07-12 Sabri Lushi’s Post (0) (0)
2022-07-10 搞笑"記者會" 主播台下的李艷秋 (2) (1)
2022-07-09 【完整版中集】安倍街頭遭槍擊不治震驚全球 各國政要集氣不敵子彈奪命? 少康戰情室 20220708 (1) (1)
2022-07-07 Imminent Recession – Extended Bear Market (0) (0)
2022-07-04 The risk of a flip-flopping Fed (0) (0)
2022-07-03 Voyager Digital suspends withdrawals, as Three Arrows Capital files for bankruptcy (0) (0)
2022-07-01 If Gas Cars Are Banned, Can The Grid Handle Electric Cars? (1) (0)
2022-06-23 Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Trump, Twitter, Job Cuts, Recession Risks (2) (0)
2022-06-20 Ant Group’s latest Singapore expansion brings mobile payment apps from Malaysia and South Korea to the city (0) (0)
2022-06-18 Shenzhen wants to double semiconductor output by 2025 under new plan to boost tech industry (0) (0)
2022-06-15 Fed should do a hundred basis points to restore its credibility, says Josh Brown (0) (0)
2022-06-07 【鬼話連篇】專訪現代包青天楊日松 恐怖禁地法醫室大公開!女星卡到陰頻發生怪事? 第6集 完整版 (3) (0)
2022-06-07 The Sixth Sense (1999) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers (0) (0)
2022-06-06 Punishment For Speaking English, Malaysia Risks Becoming A Bureaucratic Pariah, Says Rafidah Aziz (0) (0)
2022-06-05 Taiwan cheers ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ for defying Chinese censors (0) (0)
2022-06-04 Fed Vice Chair Lael Brainard says it’s hard to see the case for the Fed pausing rate hikes (0) (0)
2022-05-27 失根的蘭花 (0) (0)
2022-05-22 Asking her for a kiss #shorts (0) (0)
2022-05-18 「他要殺死教堂裡的每個人」 美檢方:周文偉可能面臨死刑 (1) (0)
2022-05-17 Bitcoin will not become an alternative form of money, says former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke (0) (0)
2022-05-16 New York woman enraged over being kicked out of park before fatally shoving vocal coach, say prosecutors (0) (0)
2022-05-14 The end of the iPod (0) (0)
2022-05-09 Job interest in Twitter skyrocketed more than 250% since Elon Musk moved to take over. But current employees are nervous. (0) (0)
2022-05-09 Salaam Mediaa (1) (0)
2022-05-07 长歌行 (0) (0)
2022-05-04 COVID-19 in Taiwan (0) (0)
2022-05-01 浮沉 (0) (0)