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2022-10-24 【完整版下集】韓國瑜合體蔣萬安熱血沸騰想唱夜襲 狂噴金句韓流再起? TVBS戰情室 20221023 (2) (1)
2022-10-22 《琴問謙答》直播 LIVE 賴岳謙 周玉琴 集一百一十八集 (1) (1)
2022-10-20 【新聞挖挖哇】黃義交墜樓驟逝不勝唏噓!當年的「寶寶事件」誰是他的一生摯愛?從雲端到人生谷底獨自悲傷?221019|來賓:苦苓、汪潔民、胡孝誠、林萃芬、廖美然 (5) (4)
2022-10-18 舊愛黃義交墜樓亡!周玉蔻臉書被灌爆 最新貼文提生與死 (1) (0)
2022-10-18 憂鬱風暴席捲全台兩百萬人 陪伴者這些雷區別誤踩! (1) (1)
2022-10-17 Charlene (0) (0)
2022-10-16 To tackle a kimchi crisis, South Korea banks on massive cabbage warehouses (0) (0)
2022-10-16 普丁力挽頹勢!?T-14現蹤戰場! 僅造20輛!?俄新銳戰車大解析!【台灣最前線 精華】2022.10.10 (0) (0)
2022-10-16 克里米亞大橋爆炸!斷俄補給!? 烏特工滲透?于北辰:引爆經計算!【台灣最前線 精華】2022.10.10 (0) (0)
2022-10-15 《不惜时光》--张靓颖为《梦华录》 (1) (1)
2022-10-14 拜登政府首發國安戰略 點名中國企圖改造國際秩序!俄官員警告烏克蘭若入北約「升級第三次大戰」、北韓頻試射飛彈 全球陷核威脅?【Yahoo TV#風向龍鳳配 】LIVE (1) (1)
2022-10-13 Sabri (2) (0)
2022-10-11 日本经济失落的三十年 (2) (1)
2022-10-09 Sheryl Sandberg exits Meta with shares down 60% this year (0) (0)
2022-10-07 The Bonfire of the Headscarves (0) (0)
2022-10-07 The Bonfire of the Headscarves (0) (0)
2022-10-07 35-year-old Canva founder Melanie Perkins got rejected by 100 VCs. Now her $26 billion design startup is ready to take on Microsoft and Google (0) (0)
2022-10-06 Private payrolls climb by 208,000 in September, higher than estimates: ADP (0) (0)
2022-10-05 Kristina (0) (0)
2022-10-04 S.R. (2) (1)
2022-09-30 Recovery for this is going to be a living hell, says Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré (1) (0)
2022-09-29 Two Bombings in One Night? That’s Normal Now in Sweden. (0) (0)
2022-09-26 貨幣戰中國恐棄守匯率?人民幣國際化夢醒時分!? 急貶帶賽台灣經濟? 晶片戰陷死亡循環?人民幣商品要快拋售? 2022.09.24【財經週末趴 全集】 (0) (0)
2022-09-25 《琴問謙答》直播 LIVE 賴岳謙 周玉琴 集一百一十四集 (1) (1)
2022-09-23 蔣孝嚴爆千人斬?約前空姐「張淑娟滾床」名嘴揭內幕:害她走絕路 (2) (1)
2022-09-23 美國高通膨九月升4碼?IC設計不投單 半導體最恐怖風暴Q4炸裂?晶片禁令讓成熟製程產能大開?台股有窮查理操作法?金融股要存小型升息受益股? 2022.09.18【財經週日趴 全集】 (0) (0)
2022-09-21 《琴問謙答》直播 LIVE 賴岳謙 周玉琴 集一百一十三集 (1) (1)
2022-09-19 【完整版下集】陳時中頭像現身校園男廁 學子翻玩揶揄免治馬桶宣傳片? 少康戰情室 20220915 (1) (1)
2022-09-18 California Government Recommends Purchasing A Giant Hamster Wheel To Charge Your Electric Car (1) (1)
2022-09-16 With Just Five Words, Congress Can Rein In The IRS And Other Federal Agencies (0) (0)
2022-09-16 A Hotter World Means More Disease Outbreaks in Our Future (0) (0)
2022-09-16 Biden touts American-Made electric cars at Detroit Auto Show (0) (0)
2022-09-13 李易峰被祕戀女友控劈腿 床上裸照曝光 (4) (1)
2022-09-11 We are amused: how the Queen saw the funny side (0) (0)
2022-09-10 From 996 to ‘bai lan’: Why China’s young workers are choosing to ‘rot’ than work hard (0) (0)
2022-09-08 台股回測萬四危機!蘋果新機題材面操作法大公開!熱泵機概念股受注目!型態底型股大公開!中國"活下去"再成微博關鍵字 2022.09.04【財經週日趴 全集】 (1) (1)
2022-09-07 Here's Why I'll Die Before I Buy an Electric Car (0) (0)
2022-09-07 Biden Just Killed the Future of Electric Cars (0) (0)
2022-09-06 Crazy rich relocations: Singapore becomes a haven for Chinese elite (0) (0)
2022-09-05 房價反轉點在年底?景氣悲觀量縮價還能漲?不二價,不殺是盤子!小資族買房組合技,來大撿便宜!太陽能族群受惠政策將發動? 2022.09.03【財經週末趴 全集】 (2) (1)
2022-09-03 What Serena Williams Gave the World (1) (0)
2022-09-01 September 11 victims not entitled to seize Afghan central bank assets, US judge says (1) (0)
2022-08-31 Stephan Tan (1) (0)
2022-08-30 'Pig butchering' scams target the lonely (0) (0)
2022-08-28 通膨壓不下!利率要升到比通膨高?連華爾街都解讀錯指標?升息發酵金融股下半年穩了?生技股是末升段不要去?極端氣候太陽能大受惠? 2022.08.27【財經週末趴 全集】 (1) (0)
2022-08-28 Why the Most Successful Leaders Don't Care About Being LikedBeing liked is fleeting. Here's what matters more (0) (0)
2022-08-27 Stocks plunge after Fed Chief Jerome Powell signals another big rate hike is ahead (0) (0)
2022-08-27 Stocks plunge after Fed Chief Jerome Powell signals another big rate hike is ahead (0) (0)
2022-08-27 ”受尽委屈”张含韵:被金主白嫖20亿,后陷不雅照遭男主持拿图逼认 (3) (1)
2022-08-25 台股季線上進場恐淪豬仔?大神抄底小白跟進場?美徹底斷中國高階半導體發展!中國經濟如30年前日本殞落? 2022.08.21【財經週日趴 全集】 (0) (0)