發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2023-06-07 David Chou (0) (0)
2023-06-06 What Would Happen If China and the US Went to War (Hour by Hour) (0) (0)
2023-06-03 David Chou (0) (0)
2023-06-02 David Chou (0) (0)
2023-06-02 U.S. Major Combat Operations in the Indo-Pacific (1) (0)
2023-06-01 Last survivors of Hiroshima bombing watch as Biden pays tribute, but issues no apology (0) (0)
2023-05-29 NVIDIA創辦人黃仁勳現身台大畢業典禮 開口秀台語"越想越緊張" 告誡台大畢業生"不努力覓食就等著被當食物" (1) (0)
2023-05-28 China looms behind KMT's choice of Hou as presidential nominee (0) (0)
2023-05-27 Taiwan's President Tsai says 'war not an option' (1) (0)
2023-05-26 國泰空姐爆歧視!取笑乘客「菜英文」 31秒完整錄音檔曝光 (1) (0)
2023-05-25 David Chou (0) (0)
2023-05-25 27歲女確診免疫力降 隔天又得這病「比染疫折磨人」 (0) (0)
2023-05-23 even if a recession is "mild" by historical standards (0) (0)
2023-05-21 David Chou (0) (0)
2023-05-21 Zelenskyy to join G-7 summit in Japan as world leaders step up Russia sanctions (0) (0)
2023-05-19 OpenAI CEO Sam Altman just testified before Congress on AI regulation #Short (0) (0)
2023-05-17 42 (2013) | FIRST TIME WATCHING | MOVIE REACTION (0) (0)
2023-05-17 Elon Musk on Sam Altman and ChatGPT: I am the reason OpenAI exists (0) (0)
2023-05-17 David Chou (1) (0)
2023-05-14 David Chou (0) (0)
2023-05-12 清朝滅亡後,故宮上千太監為何集體消失?溥儀身邊94歲老太監揭開真相 (1) (0)
2023-05-11 Trump found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll in civil trial and is ordered to pay $5 million (0) (0)
2023-05-08 EMANCIPATION (0) (0)
2023-05-04 David Chou (0) (0)
2023-05-03 David Chou (0) (0)
2023-05-02 David Chou (0) (0)
2023-05-02 Legendary investor Peter Lynch on stock picking: 'The sucker's going up' is not a good reason (0) (0)
2023-05-02 How Porsche Plans To Keep Its Gas-Powered Cars On The Roads (0) (0)
2023-04-30 Tom Buffo (0) (0)
2023-04-29 伍珂玥《曼珠莎华》 (2) (1)
2023-04-25 钱学森为何能够离开美国?中国开出的筹码太诱人!周恩来拍板:不惜一切代价! (3) (1)
2023-04-25 Higher wages for tradespeople: Who pays the bill? (0) (0)
2023-04-23 馬英九上午拜謁中山陵 下午參訪"南京總統府" (1) (1)
2023-04-22 George Michael (0) (0)
2023-04-20 矽谷剛畢業工程師收入?開銷? (0) (0)
2023-04-19 Anne (0) (0)
2023-04-18 Reuter (0) (0)
2023-04-17 The End of Faking It in Silicon Valley (0) (0)
2023-04-16 David Chou (0) (0)
2023-04-15 【中天直播#LIVE】馬英九登陸Day9 參觀張自忠烈士陵園並祭拜 20230404 (0) (0)
2023-04-14 Elon Musk says he’s cut about 80% of Twitter’s staff (0) (0)
2023-04-13 訪武漢市檔案館!記者問怎突加抗疫展行程? 馬英九笑回「一句話」 (0) (0)
2023-04-10 Graham says he is ‘open’ to sending US forces to Taiwan (0) (0)
2023-04-10 《滿江紅》 (1) (1)
2023-04-05 馬英九參訪南京大屠殺紀念館  籲兩岸應研商避戰謀和 (1) (1)
2023-04-04 Acid Neutralization of Giomer Technology (0) (0)
2023-04-03 David Chou (0) (0)
2023-04-03 David Chou (0) (0)
2023-04-03 It's crystal clear now: More banks are going to fail (0) (0)
2023-04-02 David Chou (0) (0)