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2020-01-16 Financial Decoder: Season 3 Episode 3 (0) (0)
2020-01-16 Phase one of the US-China trade deal nears completion (0) (0)
2020-01-16 大罷工!華航、長榮年終獎金出爐 員工大嘆:心在流血 (0) (0)
2020-01-16 早上這樣喝豆漿 中醫師:營養全浪費了 (0) (0)
2017-11-07 NANCY KOEHN (1) (0)
2017-11-06 秦风 - Opening song of The Qin Empire (5) (0)
2017-11-06 Priceline founder, WSJ team up for new service for business travelers (0) (0)
2017-11-06 Michael J. Fox on working toward a Parkinson's cure (0) (0)
2017-10-25 Winchester: The House That Ghosts Built Teaser (0) (0)
2017-10-22 FEMA (0) (0)
2017-10-15 Official: Hurricane Maria set Puerto Rico back decades (0) (0)
2017-10-15 One-third of American households can’t afford food, shelter or medical care (0) (0)
2017-10-15 Climate change could nearly triple airplane turbulence in the next decades, study says (3) (0)
2017-09-25 Official: Hurricane Maria set Puerto Rico back decades (0) (0)
2017-09-24 Measuring what makes life worthwhile – 02/2010 - 09/23/2017 (0) (0)
2017-09-24 #stringstory – String Nguyen – 09/23/2017 (0) (0)
2017-09-24 How to be a great Leader – 09/23/2017 (0) (0)
2017-09-24 Marvel Avengers Assemble - Bruce Banner extended scene (0) (0)
2017-09-13 譚晶 / 怨蒼天變了心 / 重見天日 / 我是歌手5 歌手2017 - 新聞麻辣說20170509 - 09/12/2017 (5) (0)
2017-09-13 Yousef Lasi on Twitter (0) (0)
2017-09-13 People come before money (0) (0)
2017-09-12 新浪财经 (0) (0)
2017-09-12 新浪财经 (0) (0)
2017-09-12 Hiring a freelancer can suck. (0) (0)
2017-09-12 who ever reads these articles will make you think twice that in some occasions although the truth will bother us will reflect our ideas in the way we have accustomed to do it reasoning or reconsidering in accounting terms of our lives (0) (0)
2017-09-07 Allstate CEO on the challenges after Harvey without flood insurance (0) (0)
2017-09-05 Yahoo must face litigation by data breach victims: U.S. judge AUGUST 31, 2017 (0) (0)
2017-09-05 Hurricane Harvey's Devastation a Snapshot of What's to Come Due to Climate Change Aug 31, 2017 (0) (0)
2017-09-05 報告班長經典片段 - Initial release: 11/17/1994 (0) (0)
2017-08-31 Harvey marks the most extreme rain event in U.S. history (0) (0)
2017-08-28 Takeaway: The Left Handers Dilemma (0) (0)
2017-08-24 為你平定的天下 (0) (0)
2017-08-24 白頭吟 (0) (0)
2017-08-24 After One of Tech’s Biggest Breakups, HP Inc. Comes Out on Top (0) (0)
2017-08-23 This could happen in Canada' Systemic racism needs to be addressed at home (0) (0)
2017-08-22 奇怪了? 怎麼從來沒有被告知, 和被詢問過? 怎麼都沒有人解釋? (0) (0)
2017-08-13 大陆未公映,台湾不卖座,但豆瓣9.2分!《冲天》一部比电影要好看的纪录片,华人必看 (8) (0)
2017-08-13 @都市快报 【女子带一双儿女拾荒住银行,称不堪家暴】一名年轻女子带着一双儿女沿街捡废品。女儿拎着编织袋,为捡废品将头伸进垃圾桶,渴了就喝路边的直饮水。女子称,为远离丈夫家暴,她才带孩子出来流浪。 (1) (0)
2017-08-13 報告班長經典片段 - Initial release: 11/17/1994 (1) (0)
2017-08-12 星洲財經 (0) (0)
2017-08-12 火灾与脱欧炙烤英国首相 特雷莎·梅面临空前政治压力 (0) (0)
2017-08-11 De Besturing – From tenancy to collective ownership (0) (0)
2017-08-09 North Korea Mulling Plan to Strike Guam, State Media Announces (0) (0)
2017-08-04 胡歌 - 風起時《琅琊榜》- 2015 (0) (0)
2017-08-02 Endurance swimmer and the UN Oceans Patron @lewispugh on what it's really like to swim in the Arctic. (0) (0)
2017-08-01 What's the Difference Between Employee Engagement and Experience? (0) (0)
2017-07-30 How Casino Mogul Steve Wynn Lost $10 Million on Baccarat (0) (0)
2017-07-29 THE VAULT (2) (0)
2017-07-28 印度大選柯文德當選 第二位賤民階級總統 (1) (0)